Be one step ahead of the competition!

Mysportx is something that every professional athlete must have if they want to stand out and raise their image to the next level. Present yourself and your sports career to all the fans and potential business partners and enjoy all the bonuses that Mysportx offers you.

Be one step ahead of the competition!

Mysportx is something that every professional athlete must have if they want to stand out and raise their image to the next level. Present yourself and your sports career to all the fans and potential business partners and enjoy all the bonuses that Mysportx offers you.

Mysportx is more than just a website!

We save you time and energy. Explore all the benefits we offer.

No stock, no financial risk, no logistic issues, no time spent! On Mysportx you can even create your own online shop where you can sell your products or services.

The Best Solutions
for Our Clients

299€One time payment
(recurring payment 49,90€ for 365 days)
  • Sections & Pages: Social media, Sponsors, BIO, Gallery, Basic contact form
  • Design: Basic generic design/theme
  • Domain name: Own name in value up to 20€
  • Language: One language
  • Gallery: Up do 8 hi-res images
  • Work: Up to 3 changes a year

  • Demo: visit here
699€One time payment
(recurring payment 89,90€ for 365 days)
  • Online store: Entry up to 10 products
  • Sections & Pages: Web shop, Social media, Sponsors, BIO, Gallery, Advanced contact form, Youtube video integration,
  • Design: Generic design/theme (your colors)
  • Domain name: Own name in value up to 40€
  • Language: Two languages
  • Gallery: Up do 24 hi-res images
  • Work: Up to 9 changes a year

  • Demo: visit here

 Advanced Plan


Recurring payment 69,90€ for 365 days

We register your own domain ( – need to be free)

Generic Website design and data entry (about me, contact, logo entry, social)

Youtube video integration

Upload images to the gallery with the appropriate re-size images (up to 24 images hi-res.)

Year-round support (for data changes, additional fresh image entries)

Professional Plan


Recurring payment ?€ for 365 days

Individual terms of payment

Own Web shop – Managing and logistics is possible

We provide possibility of merchandise production

Working with brand reputation on the Internet

Development and creation of relevant content

SEO strategy development

and many more services and staff..

Basic Plan


Payment for selected key queries

Nested requests are not charged

Limited request pool

Web site analytics

Standart Plan


Pay for referrals from search engines

Traffic from branded queries is not counted

Unlimited request pool

SEO strategy development

Premium Plan


Individual terms of payment

Working with brand reputation on the Internet

Development and creation of relevant content

SEO strategy development


Mysportx also offers the opportunity to be a brand ambassador in exchange for discounts and other benefits. Write to us and we will deal with your request individually.


Mysportx is looking for new service providers, photographers, brands and marketers to improve the user experience. Everyone who could contribute to an even bigger offer is invited to Myposportx project. Contact us and we will deal with your request individually.


Here Are the Most Frequent Questions

Simple! With a few clicks, you can order your new website. We will take care of the rest. You can find
more information here.

You have the BASIC (€299) or ADVANCED (€499) package available. The subscription lasts for one year. Other costs are dealt with individually, according to the agreement and the client’s requirements.

Yes, you can. You can upgrade your basic subscription at any time, and you only pay the difference. Just contact us.

Yes, you can. In the case of transferring the website to another domain, we charge additional costs.
For more information contact us.

All our subscribers get a special promo code that can be used to claim discounts from our business partners. You can find the list here. You will be notified of any changes in writing via email.

In the first phase, the website goes offline and stays that way for 30 days. If we receive payment during this time, the website will be reactivated. If payment is not received even after 30 days, the website will be permanently deleted.

Mysportx offers the opportunity to participate and promote in exchange for additional discounts. Each customer who invites a new subscriber to participate receives a credit towards the renewal of the license.

Mysportx offers the possibility of expanding the website with an online store, where the subscriber can offer his promotional products or services.

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client reviews

What our Subscribers think about Us

Here you can see the opinions and ratings of our subscribers. We would also appreciate your review, which will be helpful to everyone who is still deciding on Mysportx.